Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sharing the Feast

The first day of General Assembly has been amazing. Personally, it has been like this ultra family and friend reunion--I have run into old friends and professors from college and seminary, colleagues, mentors, church members and friends.

Spiritually, I have been uplifted by the two messages I have now heard. The first was at the Board of Church Extension dinner where the Rev. Dr. Cynthia Hale spoke. She was one of the first new church planters over 20 years ago. Her church, Ray of Hope Christian Church, in Atlanta, GA has welcomed over 10,000 members since its inception. Two things key to the fruitfulness of her labor? Love and PASSION. I couldn't agree more. Without a passion for the love of God, there isn't much to inspire, is there?

The second message was from Dr. Daisy Machado. The sermon was based on the feeding of the 5,000 and focused on our need to do the work of mingling among the crowds, seeing people as people and having compassion for them rather than fear of them.

Today promises to be another full day of fellowship and worship. Will write more later.

Journey on...

1 comment:

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

Both by women preachers? Wow. I asked you a question in the comments over at my blog.

And yep, I'm a mom, but my kids are grown (one boy, one girl) and the baby on my blog is my first grandchild. I'm in Wisconsin, baby is in Minnesota.