Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Jesus and Big Bird

My child is really getting into imaginary play. The other day she was sitting in the kitchen while I was making dinner. She took a kitchen towel and wrapped it around her head like a head scarf. I asked, "who are you?" She answered, "Jesus." Then a few seconds later she said, "no, Big Bird."

I thought, "well, that works." Jesus' lessons are good...Big Bird's lessons are good too. What amazes me is that, at such a young age, my child is learning the language of faith. It also amazes me how the church (and families) overlook the great importance of that learning. I am very concerned about the intellectual and social development of my child, but am I as concerned about the spiritual development?

Families and churches of all sizes and shapes should be challenged by this...that if we do not teach the little children about faith, perhaps Big Bird will be only role-model they imitate. Food for thought.

Journey on...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That brought a smile to my face; kids sure do have a way of showing us things. I wanted to wish you a happy birthday too. Hope it's a great one!